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Hey, I'm Crystal and I practically live in the 90s. This website is mainly to share my creative work (software and artwork).

This website is still under construction.

Image credits

My Software

I make vintage software as a hobby. My favorite target OS's are Windows 3.11 and Mac OS9.

This app is called Iconic, an App Switcher similar to Dock or Plank or Taskbar, but for Windows 3.11. If you have used such early Windows, you should know, it really needs something like this.

Download Iconic v0.1 from Archive.org

I coded it in C and it was lots of fun except when it was frustrating. Charles Petzold's book on programming Windows 3.11 is highly recommended.

Can stick to any side

Quick launch menu


I am developing an OS

I create a browser-based OS that runs on the magic of CSS and animated GIFs. It is actually quite advanced, I will post about it soon.

Graphically, of course it is very vintage oriented, celebrating the unhinged craziness that is 90s interface design.

Updates coming soon.

What's new

Jul 2024 - Iconic App Switcher for Windows 3.11 released

Jul 2024 - Website launched!


3D Renders

I create (or replicate) tech products in Blender 3D. I am especially interested in translucent materials and surfaces with unusual reflective properties such as optical discs.

iMac promo that never was

Best mouse ever!

The mice that got me to use Blender

The D-Shock G3 Bondi Blue and D-Shock 4

Crystal's room

Crystal's room

Crystal's room

About me

I will soon fill this out too!
Contact me



I like to be around aesthetic objects.
My photos are not so good really, but they remind me of my design inspiration.

The dotcom aesthetic starter pack

Just shiny objects

All the things I brought back from London


Website + all scripts* by Crystal, made in XED on Linux.

*scrollbars use simplebar, a pretty awesome library that replaces the system scrollbar with a stylable div. I've added extra CSS and script to make it look how it is.

Most artwork by me, except any pixel icons, and the aquarium photo (CC0) is by David Clode used in the splash screen. For artwork I use Blender, GIMP and/or pure HTML/CSS.

Fonts: Dotemp Demo (Personal use License) and Pixel Times

Please credit me if you repost anything I made.

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